Afraid of the Dark is the 11st episode of Uncle Grandpa season 1, and the 11st overall episode of the series. This is the first Halloween episode of the series.
Uncle Grandpa helps a girl named Susie overcome her fear of the dark, while at the same time overcome his fear of the dark.
Character Appearances
Major Characters
Minor Characters
The episode starts off with Susie telling her mother she is afraid of the dark. The mother gives her the advice to "just hang in there". Susie tries that when her mom leaves the room, but it doesn't seem to work. Susie's mom comes back in and turns the lights back on and complains about the electric bill before leaving Susie alone in her room with the light on.
Not a few seconds after her mom leaves, Uncle Grandpa comes crashing through her wall with The UG RV. After a shaky introduction, Uncle Grandpa tells Susie that he was afraid of the dark when he was her age and has never really gotten over that fear. However, he reassures her that there's nothing in the dark to be afraid of but her own imagination. Uncle Grandpa believes that perhaps turning off the lights with that knowledge will help her get over her fear.
Unfortunately for them, the minute they shut the lights off their imaginations go crazy and transform the ordinary bedroom into a nightmare-inducing room full of monsters. The both hide in one of the dresser drawers and try calling out for Susie's mom. She can't hear them because she is watching TV and eating ice cream. Next, they try to call out for Pizza Steve and Mr. Gus, but unfortunately they cannot hear them either because they are also watching TV and eating ice cream.
They realize they must face all of this on their own by getting over to the light switch to turn it on. They end up going on a crazy adventure battling twisted scary monsters on their way to the light switch. Each endeavor with a monster gets scarier for them. Once they finally reach the light switch after a crazy adventure, they find out the light switch is a monster too. They realize they need to face their fears by becoming their fears. Uncle Grandpa and Susie take on the scariest forms their imagination can come up with and begin to scare the monsters. They are able to successfully scare away all the monsters.
After the crazy adventure, Susie thanks Uncle Grandpa and tells him that she is no longer afraid of the dark or afraid of her imagination. Uncle Grandpa thanks her back and tells her she helped him get over his fear of the dark too. Susie's mom comes in to find Susie's room is dark and completely destroyed as Susie stands in the middle of the destruction. Susie proudly tells her mom she isn't afraid of the dark anymore. Reluctantly, the mom asks her how she did it, which Susie replies with turning into her scary monster form. Susie's mom faints and the episode ends.
- This is the first episode to have a television preview.
- A poster above Susie's bed shows the words "Jason Beaver" and has a picture of a beaver with a stick of wood and bowl haircut, a reference to Justin Bieber. Another poster above Susie's bed shows three men and is labeled "M-Sync". An obvious reference to NSYNC.
- The furniture transforming into monsters may be a reference to the 1993 EA game Haunting Starring Polterguy.
- The first hiatus of the series occurred after this episode. (2 weeks)
- This is the last episode of the series that aired on Monday.
- The game board Uncle Grandpa pulled out resembles the popular board game Monopoly.
- This episode took place at 8:00pm.
- Uncle Grandpa claims that he's been a little girl like Susie.
- Prior to this episode, Uncle Grandpa was afraid of the dark.
- Uncle Grandpa is able to cut off his own leg.
- The map that was given to Uncle Grandpa has a similar layout to the maps in Super Mario World.
- Uncle Grandpa screaming while standing on the caps lock is how people believe what's happening when someone types in all caps.
- When Uncle Grandpa and Susie get to the bed, the music playing is similar to Lawrence of Arabia.
- This is the first episode that doesn't contain a short.
- Running Gags:
- Uncle Grandpa and Susie seeing different monsters in the dark.
- Uncle Grandpa and Susie calling for someone to help them, only to cut to those people watching TV with a face mask and eating ice cream.
- Uncle Grandpa and Susie scaring monsters.
- Susie transforming into a monster.
- Errors:
- The orange lining on the wall is missing when it gets to the hole Uncle Grandpa made.
- The hole Uncle Grandpa made is fixed when he turns off the light.
- When Uncle Grandpa and Susie are in the dresser, Uncle Grandpa has no gloves on.