Future Pizza is the 22nd episode of Uncle Grandpa season 1, and the 22nd overall episode of the series.
Future Uncle Grandpa arrives with a warning that Pizza Steve is not sure how to handle. With this information, Pizza Steve realizes he could be potentially losing a very close friend.
Character Appearances
Major Characters
- Pizza Steve
- Uncle Grandpa
- Belly Bag (Non-Speaking)
Minor Characters
The episode begins with Pizza Steve impressing Uncle Grandpa with some of his "Italian Karate" moves in the RV. Uncle Grandpa seems thoroughly impressed with Pizza Steve, even though Pizza Steve's performance is less than impressive. After Pizza Steve basks in Uncle Grandpa's compliments, Uncle Grandpa excuses himself for a moment to get a glass of water. After leaving Pizza Steve alone in the living room, a time portal opens up. Pizza Steve stares on in amazement as he sees Uncle Grandpa come out of the hole all battered and beaten up. Uncle Grandpa angrily crawls across the floor and tells Pizza Steve that he's going to do something that really upsets Uncle Grandpa. Pizza Steve tries to insist he tell him what he did that made Uncle Grandpa feel that way, but Future Uncle Grandpa wouldn't tell him because of time law. Future Uncle Grandpa tells Pizza Steve he can't even look at him and leaves back through the portal.
Pizza Steve is left stunned as the portal closes up and the Present Uncle Grandpa comes back from the kitchen and asks to see the super kick move Pizza Steve bragged about earlier. Pizza Steve was almost ready to show him when he suddenly had a doubt. He imagined himself doing his awesome karate kick and kicking Uncle Grandpa in the butt. When he kicked Uncle Grandpa, Uncle Grandpa went flying around the RV and got himself all beaten and battered like the way Future Uncle Grandpa looked. Pizza Steve frantically went to see if Uncle Grandpa was alright, but Uncle Grandpa told him that he lost all respect for him. After that thought, Pizza Steve backed out of doing the super kick.
Uncle Grandpa asked Pizza Steve if he wanted to play the song he was working on. Pizza Steve bragged about the song being "platinum-titanium" and already having a large following with pre-orders as he picked up the guitar. Then he had another vision. He imagined himself with rockstar hair standing on top of a large speaker. He began to play his awesome music very loudly before fire enveloped the speaker from his "awesome" guitar playing skills. The fire shot out at Uncle Grandpa and Uncle Grandpa flew back and right out of the RV. Pizza Steve immediately stopped playing to see if Uncle Grandpa was okay. Uncle Grandpa was beaten and battered just like he was when he came through the time portal and told Steve he had lost all respect for him, just like in the last vision. Pizza Steve snapped to reality and immediately told Uncle Grandpa that he wanted to do a few tweaks to his song before publicly releasing it.
Uncle Grandpa then suggested that Pizza Steve shows him his awesome speed-cycle skills. Pizza Steve is ready to oblige as Uncle Grandpa hands him his helmet before Pizza Steve gets another vision. This vision shows Pizza Steve drive his speed cycle very fast towards the ramp Uncle Grandpa set down. He drives so fast that he propels himself straight into the air. He flies right out of the roof of the RV and all the way up the sky. He goes so high he reaches outer space, jumps over the sun, and flies straight back down. He lands by crashing right into Uncle Grandpa and blowing up the entire RV. He sits on his speed cycle on top of Uncle Grandpa within a crater. Pizza Steve looks down at Uncle Grandpa frantically and asks him if he's okay. Again, Uncle Grandpa is beaten and battered and tells him he has lost all respect for him.
Pizza Steve snaps back to reality, takes off his helmet, and starts to run away. When Uncle Grandpa asks where he's going, Pizza Steve tells him that he can't do any of that "awesome" stuff for Uncle Grandpa anymore. Uncle Grandpa becomes concerned and tells Pizza Steve that he respects Pizza Steve for all the "cool and awesome" stuff he does. Pizza Steve stops running away and has another vision. This vision shows him at a podium in front of a bunch of concerned people. Pizza Steve sadly tells the crowd that he must retire from doing awesome stuff. The crowd gasps before Uncle Grandpa screeches "NO" at the top of his lungs. Everyone watches as Uncle Grandpa proceeds to beat himself up with a sign. Pizza Steve frantically rushes over to Uncle Grandpa and asks him if he's okay. Uncle Grandpa looks up at him, beaten and battered, and tells him that he has lost all respect for him.
Pizza Steve goes back to reality and immediately rushes to do all the things he was reluctant to do out of concern for Uncle Grandpa. He did his super kick, which merely only jiggled Uncle Grandpa's butt cheek a little. He did his guitar solo, which was just a bunch of random notes played randomly. He then put his helmet on and jumped on his speed cycle and drove up the ramp, but he merely only made the speed cycle lean down againt the end of the ramp. Pizza Steve took his helmet off and went running to Uncle Grandpa asking if Uncle Grandpa was disappointed. Uncle Grandpa gasped in shock, and revealed to Pizza Steve that the only way he would ever be disappointed in Steve is if Steve thought Uncle Grandpa could ever be disappointed in Steve.
Uncle Grandpa was thoroughly upset, and created a time portal so that Uncle Grandpa could travel back in time and tell Pizza Steve not to do that. Before going through the portal, Uncle Grandpa slips and falls down a flight of stairs set in the middle of the living room. Uncle Grandpa climbs back up all beaten and battered and goes through the portal. Pizza Steve stands at the other end of the living room feeling very upset. Before he could sulk for too long, and another portal opened up and another Pizza Steve came hopping out of it. The Future Pizza Steve tells him that he has something very urgent and important to tell him. Present Pizza Steve is eager to learn what he must tell him. Sure enough, Future Pizza Steve tells Present Pizza Steve that he is still very awesome and cool. They both proceed to high five each other and the episode ends.
- Uncle Grandpa tells Pizza Steve that the cool stuff he does is the reason why he brings him on his super cool adventures.
- Future Uncle Grandpa breaks the 4th wall by stating that in the next 5 minutes and 39 seconds Pizza Steve is going to do something that makes him lose respect for him.
- If Uncle Grandpa told Pizza Steve the thing he did, he'd be breaking time law.
- A slightly different version of Adam and Austin can be seen in this episode.
- The Tanning Salon Lady and Charlie Burgers also make cameos.
- Uncle Grandpa, Pizza Steve and Belly Bag are the only main characters to appear in this episode.
- This is the first episode where Pizza Steve appears without Mr. Gus.
- This is the third episode where Belly Bag didn't speak.
- Uncle Grandpa states that the only way he could be disappointed in Pizza Steve is Pizza Steve believing he could ever be disappointed in him.
- Running Gags:
- Uncle Grandpa praising Pizza Steve's tricks.
- Pizza Steve remembering what future Uncle Grandpa said to him and not performing his tricks.
- Uncle Grandpa saying "Pizza Steve! How could you!, I've lost all respect for you.
- Someone using a time portal.
- Irony: Pizza Steve could've test it out instead of imagining it
- Errors:
- A lot of furniture in the RV is missing more than usual in this episode.
- There's a hole in the overpass at the end of the episode despite Pizza Steve not really doing an awesome jump.
- On the 1st imagenateing part, it dosen't make sense when Pizza Steve kicked Uncle Grandpa so hard even though he is small and it could've had ben a light kick just like later on
- It dosen't even make any sense on the 3rd Imagenateing part when Pizza Steve rode his motercycle so high that it jumped over the moon and landed on Uncle Grandpa even though it is small and it could've had made a small jump just like it did later on
- But however due to the Distence between the moon and Uncle Grandpa, he ( along with Uncle Grandpa ) could've had died from getting hit by Pizza Steve's motercycle
- Before the 2nd Imagenateing part, Pizza Steve is shown to have one gutar but however in the 2nd imagenateing part he is shown to have speakers, but however it is somehow impossible since he just have one gutar
- It dosen't even make any sense on the 3rd Imagenateing part when Pizza Steve rode his motercycle so high that it jumped over the moon and landed on Uncle Grandpa even though it is small and it could've had made a small jump just like it did later on