Uncle Grandpa and Lewis defend a castle ruled by the king and the queen. It starts off with Uncle Grandpa threatening the Snow Cone Guy, believing he is an intruder. He throws his lance out the window in an attempt to destroy the Snow Cone Guy before realizing he brought snow cones for the king and queen. Uncle Grandpa allows him to deliver the snow cones before the castle gets stormed by giant crab people called Crab-Sapiens. Uncle Grandpa and Lewis try their best to fend them off before the king and queen notice their castle is being intruded. Unfortunately for them, a giant wave comes and hits the castle. This is when it is revealed that Uncle Grandpa was playing a game with Lewis after they made a sand castle. The Crab Sapiens were actual crabs and the king and queen were Lewis's parents, who inform him that they are ready to leave the beach. Lewis says his good byes to Uncle Grandpa and thanks him for playing, but Uncle Grandpa takes the game a bit too seriously and begins to beg him not to go. Lewis leaves anyways and leaves Uncle Grandpa devastated in the sand. When Uncle Grandpa looks up, he sees the Snow Cone Guy and begins to chase him.