Nickname is the 6th episode of Uncle Grandpa Season 1, and the 6th overall episode of the series.
Uncle Grandpa helps a kid named Eric earn a nickname.
Character Appearances
Major Characters
Minor Characters
- Pizza Steve
- Mr. Gus
- Larry Big Shirt
- Blondie
- Duck Head Donnie
- Spaghetti Legs
- Topiary Bush Dragon
- Possum
- Bees
The episode begins with The UG RV crashing on top of a school bus in front of Larry Big Shirt, Blondie, Spaghetti Legs, Duck Head Donnie, and Eric. Uncle Grandpa and Pizza Steve jump out of the RV and are greeted by the kids with excitement. Mr. Gus steps out and the kids don't seem too enthusiastic. Uncle Grandpa greets each kid until he gets to Eric. Uncle Grandpa asks who he is but doesn't seem satisfied with the answer. Instead, he laughed and asked for Eric's nickname. Eric admits that he doesn't have a nickname.
The other kids sigh in disappointment at Eric's lack of a nickname, and Pizza Steve reinforces this disappointment before asking the other kids if they want to hang. He leaves with the other kids, leaving Uncle Grandpa with Eric. Mr. Gus comes up to Eric to reassure him that you can be nifty no matter who you are. When Mr. Gus leaves, Uncle Grandpa gives Eric a reassuring story about how he didn't have a nickname when he was younger but later on was able to achieve one. Eric asks how one would be able to achieve a nickname, so Uncle Grandpa explains that one must do something legendary to achieve a nickname.
Eric asks how he can go about performing a legendary act. Uncle Grandpa looks around and finally points to someone's house. Uncle Grandpa makes duplicates of himself so he can plant a fertilizer called "Uncle Grandpa Grow" all over the yard. Once he does, the yard becomes unruly and jungle like. Uncle Grandpa tells Eric that he needs to tame the yard in order to become legendary.
When Eric sees the yard, he doesn't believe he could tame it himself. Uncle Grandpa reassures him that he will help Eric by writing down all of his achievements. Eric then agrees to tame the yard and they set out to work. First, Eric's task was to blow leaves into a pile. At first, he was doing okay. However, Uncle Grandpa turned up the power on the leaf blower he was using, causing Eric to fly around the yard and force all of the leaves off of one tree into a pile after slamming into it at full speed. Next, Eric's task was to whack weeds. Eric used a weed whacker to do so, not having an issue at first. After he whacked the last patch of weeds, he found an opossum that was sleeping. At first, he expressed how cute he thought it was, but before Eric could do anything else the opossum turned rabid and attacked him.
Eric's next task was to remove a tree stump from the ground. With some effort, Eric was able to pull it out. Unfortunately for him, a bee hive fell out of the hole in the stump and a swarm of angry bees attacked him. Eric's final quest, according to Uncle Grandpa, was to cut down an unkempt topiary bush. Eric thought that was easy enough, so he went to go cut the bush. Much to Eric's unfortunate surprise, the bush fought back and began to hit him over the head. Eric told Uncle Grandpa that the bush must not really be a bush. The bush even came out of the ground to reveal it's real identity, Topiary Bush Dragon. Uncle Grandpa, despite all evidence, insisted that it was definitely a bush. Even Belly Bag told Uncle Grandpa that it was not a bush, but Uncle Grandpa did not listen. It took the dragon to breathe fire in Uncle Grandpa's face for Uncle Grandpa to recognize that it was not a bush, but a dragon.
Uncle Grandpa tells Eric that in order for him to become legendary, he must slay the dragon. Uncle Grandpa grows a large bean stalk that stops the RV in mid air. Once the RV is stopped, Uncle Grandpa asks Mr. Gus to give him the barbarian sword. Mr. Gus gives him the sword, and in turn he gives it to Eric. Eric takes hold of the sword and transforms into a big, muscular, deep voiced man. Eric is ready to slay the dragon, but Uncle Grandpa informs him that Eric must save him to also become legendary. After that was established, the topiary bush dragon captured Uncle Grandpa. Eric and the dragon begin fighting. They fight for a bit, but before Eric could finish fighting the dragon, it melted his sword. Eric didn't know what to do next, but Uncle Grandpa reminded him to do something legendary.
Eric picked up a leaf blower and began to blow back the creature's fire breath away. This angered the dragon, and made the dragon grab his blower and chuck it away. At the same time, the dragon grabbed Eric and began to slam him around. Eric reached his foot to the best of his ability toward the weed whacker. He was successfully able to grab the weed whacker as he grabbed it and cut off the vine arms that were binding him. The dragon screamed in pain and Eric dropped to the ground, accidentally breaking the weed whacker. The dragon grabs him again and chucks him into the shed. Not a second later, Eric comes out with a tractor that has it's mowing setting on the highest speed. With the tractor, he decapitates one of the dragon's heads and grabs Uncle Grandpa. Just as they are about to ride away, the dragon's other head crashes itself into the tractor, sending the tractor and Uncle Grandpa flying and pinning Eric to the ground.
Uncle Grandpa gives Eric some encouraging words as he fends off the dragon. This gives Eric the idea of grabbing the dragon's tooth and whipping the dragon around. Once Eric gains enough momentum, the tooth detaches from the dragon and the dragon goes flying into the sun, where it burns up and dies.
Pizza Steve and the kids were watching the entire thing, and were extremely impressed with Eric. Eric approaches Uncle Grandpa and asks him if he has become legendary. Uncle Grandpa recalls Eric's legendary story before announcing that he is truly legendary and has now earned a nickname. Eric waits in excited anticipation before Uncle Grandpa announces that his nickname is Cupcake because he likes cupcakes. Eric is a little disappointed at first, but he then learns to love his new nickname when the other kids gush about how awesome it was that he slayed a dragon. Pizza Steve asks the kids if they want to hang out again, this time including Eric. Unfortunately for Steve and the kids, Uncle Grandpa informs Pizza Steve that they have to go buy a new barbarian sword at the mall. Pizza Steve loves the mall, so he gladly follows Uncle Grandpa back to the RV.
- The kids in this episode don't know who Mr. Gus is.
- Mr. Gus believes himself not to be boring and that he's pretty nifty.
- It is revealed that Uncle Grandpa's nickname is Bobo.
- Bobo means zany in Portuguese. It also means stupid in Tagalog.
- Uncle Grandpa states that you'd have to earn a nickname by doing something legendary.
- Every legendary person needs a chronicler to record legendary deeds in a legendary book.
- This along with Moustache Cream are the last episodes to air with two segments.
- This episode was summarized in "Uncle Greedpa".
- Eric gets the dragon's attention by calling it the "Lawn of the Dead", this is a reference to the Dawn of the Dead.
- Uncle Grandpa only doodled in Eric's legendary book instead of recording his legendary deeds.
- Eric's nickname given is "Cupcake" because Eric like cupcakes.
- Barbarian swords can be bought at the mall.
- Running Gags:
- Pizza Steve telling the kids "Let's hang!".
- Eric doing yard work.
- Eric getting hurt from yard work.
- Uncle Grandpa trying to introduce himself to the tree dragon, and getting his face burned.
- Eric fighting the tree dragon.
- Errors:
- When Mr. Gus introduces himself, the window on the RV is rectangular instead of a trapezoid shape.
- Uncle Grandpa puts his fertilizer on the sidewalk and it's covered in grass, the next scene shows Eric walking on the sidewalk.