Uncle Grandpa Wiki
Princess Sparklehorse
Princess Sparklehorse
"That's how it works around here!"
Species: Magical Pony
Hair color: Pink
Eye color: Purple
Personal Information

Happiness, Positivity

Production Information
First Appearance:
  "Pony Tale"
Voiced by:
E.G. Daily

Princess Sparklehorse is a magical pony and ruler of the land of the sky ponies as seen in the episode Pony Tale. She is voiced by E.G. Daily.


Princess Sparklehorse is a small pony, she has white fur, and four hooves. She has a pink mane as well as a pink pony tail, she has big purple eyes with eyelashes. Just like other ponies, she can stand on two legs and is able to fly around.


Princess Sparklehorse has a real positive attitude most of the time, she's real happy to see that every other pony is living happy in her kingdom as it's up to her to make sure that everything is in check and everyone has a pony tale. She also like to talk in a cute manner by saying words a little differently to make them sound cuter. She does have a dark side as she tried to keep Uncle Grandpa in her kingdom and preventing him from leaving, she also has a strong distaste for the color red as she thinks it to be an angry color.


  • Princess Sparklehorse looks and sounds like Princess Twilight Sparkle from "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic".


v - e - d Characters

Uncle GrandpaBelly BagPizza SteveMr. GusGiant Realistic Flying Tiger
Tiny MiracleBeary NiceHot Dog PersonCharlie BurgersRemo's DadFrankensteinEvil WizardXarnaJudy JonesSamanthaWeird ManDirtbagCrazy BabyUle Gapa
Ham SandwichRemoBelly KidMelvinEricMaryDennisGuillermoSusieAdamAustinAkiraKevin E. PeepantsRileyJackieSally SmithSandyTommyJosiePhillipEmilyJessicaSethCooperJimmyThiagoFrançoisIsabellaLizzyChetJoeyZekeVirginiaKimmyRickyWenGrantSamir
Mooon ManSkeletonyPriscilla JonesCheesepuff MikeSanta ClausLawrenceMouseNathanNubert NimboPurple AliensWallace T. GermbugPal.0Bottom BagNacho CheeseEaster BunnyMessy BessyCrispin MulcahyDr. FrankensteinLeprechaunJoey the KangarooJerky JasperPrincess SparklehorseThe Tooth FairyLil' MacCupidDr. Ice CreamMiltonBoogie ManUncle Grandpa's Uncle GrandpaSketchy StanleyDeep Dish DaveSun
