A Slice of Life with Pizza Steve is a short that appeared after the episodes Belly Bros, Driver's Test, Jorts, Big in Japan, and Uncle Easter. These shorts revolve around Pizza Steve's daily and cool shenanigans, which are mostly about him pestering Mr. Gus about how cool he is.
Plot for after Belly Bros (Speed Cycle)
Mr. Gus is trying to enjoy watching television before Pizza Steve comes in with his speed bike and unplugs the TV. Pizza Steve greets Mr. Gus who doesn't seem all that pleased with the greeting. Pizza Steve begins to claim that he had made the speed bike he was riding from scratch, using parts from around the RV to build it. Mr. Gus tries to rebuke him and tell him he did not actually make it. Unfortunately for Gus, Pizza Steve revved his engine loudly every time Mr. Gus tried to tell him otherwise. This routine continued to go on before Pizza Steve did some tricks and then drove away into the next room. Mr. Gus is finally able to finish his sentence and say Pizza Steve did not make the bike, but rather he received it as a gift from Uncle Grandpa. He knows this because apparently they have all received the same kind of bike as a gift from Uncle Grandpa. Mr. Gus puts a viking helmet on and drives away on his speed bike as Uncle Grandpa, Belly Bag, and Giant Realistic Flying Tiger follow with their bikes.
Plot for after Driver's Test (Hare Brush)
The short begins with Pizza Steve greeting Mr. Gus and asking to borrow his hair brush for his "thick luxurious hair". Mr. Gus is skeptical and calls Pizza Steve out for not actually having thick luxurious hair. Throughout the rest of the short, Pizza Steve tries to convince him that he really has "thick luxurious hair". During the last scene, Pizza Steve gives Mr. Gus furry sunglasses which make everything look hairy, and Uncle Grandpa comes in and asks to borrow Pizza Steve's hair. Pizza Steve goes in the other room and Mr. Gus tells Uncle Grandpa that Pizza Steve didn't actually have hair. Pizza Steve comes back in with a fat white rabbit and hands it to Uncle Grandpa who proclaims that it is a "Thick Luxurious Hare". Mr. Gus is bewildered about how that's what Pizza Steve actually meant the whole time, and is skeptical of this until 5,000 years later when he finally accepts that Pizza Steve was talking about his rabbit the whole time and apologizes.
Plot for after Jorts (Pizza Party)
Pizza Steve greets Mr. Gus who is putting salt on his toast. Pizza Steve informs Mr. Gus that his friends are coming to visit him and they are all going to have a cool party. Steve lists off the names of his friends (Pete, Wayne, Chad, Beef Supreme the Mighty, and Berzerker) and proclaims they are all just like him in the sense they are super cool, practice Italian karate, and like to party. Mr. Gus does not believe him and tells him he actually has no friends. The door bell rings and Steve states that his friends have arrived. Mr. Gus opens the door and it is a pizza delivery man. Pizza Steve takes the pizza box from the delivery man and Mr. Gus goes to pay him. Before he could, the pizza delivery man slipped on his bike and flew across the street. Mr. Gus shut the door and watched Pizza Steve run away into Gus's room with the pizza box. Mr. Gus continues to deny the fact he has friends until he starts to hear crazy noises coming from his room. He becomes interested and decides to see what all the commotion is about. When he tries to go in his room, he discovers it is locked. To combat this problem, Mr. Gus punches a hole into the next wall and climbs out of the RV to get into his room through the window. When he peers through his window, he sees Pizza Steve sitting on the bed eating the pizza that was delivered and blaring several TVs loudly as he held onto an air horn. Once Pizza Steve discovers he's being watched by Mr. Gus, he pushes the pizza box and air horn aside and tells him that his friends left a little early.
Plot for after Big in Japan (Car Radio)
Mr. Gus is driving the RV and listening to some classical music on the "96.1" radio. Suddenly, the radio changes to a rock station, "Pizza Pizza.Pizza". Mr. Gus looks at the radio and sees Pizza Steve has changed it. Pizza Steve believes he had fixed Mr. Gus' radio, but Mr. Gus did not think so. Mr. Gus changes it back to the station he was listening to. Pizza Steve did not like this, so he decided to change it back to the rock station. The short goes on like this with them changing the radio station back and forth in all kinds of crazy ways. Finally, Mr. Gus gets sick of the constant radio changing so he tells Pizza Steve he can drive and leaves the RV cockpit. Pizza Steve enjoys his rock music shortly before the RV crashes into a tree and he smashes up against the window.
Plot for after Uncle Easter (Mutant Pizza)
After being mutated by the radiation from the radiation highway, Pizza Steve shows us his daily activities of being an awesome slice of pizza. He shows off how powerful he is by jumping very high, leaving cracks in the ground when he lands from jumps, being able to melt a jar with his new laser eyebeam powers, and being able to regenerate after being completely skinned alive. Though he terrifies everyone he comes into contact with outside the RV as a mutant pizza, this does not stop him from showing off.