Uncle Grandpa Wiki

Sneakin' Santa
Sneakin Santa
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Sneakin' Santa is the fourth Uncle Grandpa game created by Cartoon Network.


Uncle Grandpa has to successfully sneak-dance through all the houses to deliver the presents


Where to Play[]

Game Play[]

Players are encouraged to dodge obstacles presented to them and to get through the level as fast as possible before the time runs out.

Tips and Hints[]

  • It's strongly advised to have a great amount of patience when playing this game, as too many failures will result the player to try and beat it more and more without any chance of success.


Sneakin' Santa Badges
Badge Name Achievement
Ug sneakinsanta hotstepper
Hot Stepper
Complete Level 1
Ug sneakinsanta fresh
Fresh Flow
Beat 4 Levels
Ug sneakinsanta dabomb
Da Bomb
Score 50,000 Points
Ug sneakinsanta unclegrandmaster
Uncle Grandmaster
Beat 12 Levels
Ug sneakinsanta bboychamp
B-Boy Champ
Complete a Whole Breakdance
Ug sneakinsanta mystery
Pop & Lock
Beat a Level Without Any Mistakes