The Legend of the Beardman: The Nighttime Tickler is a short after" Brain Game" that is featured in Uncle Grandpa's story book "Uncle Grandpa's Story Time Story Book of Stories". The story is about an anthropomorphic beard that tickles people's noses at night. One night he tickled the wrong person and that person called the cops and had him jailed.
Character Appearances
Major Characters
Minor Characters
- Belly Bag (Non-Speaking)
- Beardman
- Sleeping Man
- Lute Player
Uncle Grandpa gathers his friends around a campfire and tells them a story about Beardman. Beardman tickled people in their sleep because he thought it was a funny prank. One day, Beardman was caught tickling someone in their sleep so he was put in prison. Uncle Grandpa ends the story by eating all the pages of the book.