Uncle Grandpa Wiki

The UG RV is the main location of Uncle Grandpa. This is the home of Uncle Grandpa and his friends. It is known to pop out of nowhere, often crashing into places, where Uncle Grandpa helps children and teenagers with their problems.




The UG RV is a giant RV with rainbow paint on either side with UG written on it.  On one side is the Barbarian Sword, which once helped Eric in Nickname earn a nickname by doing yard work.

The UG RV bends reality almost as much as Uncle Grandpa himself. It's clearly larger inside than it is outside. There are multiple spacious rooms for the refular occupants and others such as a hair salon. UG RV has even appeared inside of itself on one occasion. Sometimes a British phone booth can be seen inside, which may be a reference to the TARDIS from Doctor Who, which also is bigger inside that out,

In the episode "Locked Out", The UG RV Arms are alive when the self-destruct sequence activated, but he and The UG RV Security System was defeated by Uncle Grandpa and his friends. It's also said to have an autopilot function. The steering wheel is usually seen on the left side, but in the opening Uncle Grandpa is shown driving on the right hand side.

There is apparently no limit to where the UG RV can drive. Even large bodies of water are no impedance, as it's shown up in Japan. It's even shown to possess Vertical Takeoff / Landing capabilities.


  • Bedrooms
    • Uncle Grandpa's Bedroom
    • Mr. Gus's Bedroom
    • Pizza Steve's Bedroom
    • Giant Realistic Flying Tiger's Bedroom
  • Living Room
  • Kitchen
  • UG RV Cockpit
  • Bathroom
  • Work Out Room
  • City Room
  • Aquatic Room
  • Arcade Room
  • Jungle Room
  • Dining Room
  • Camp Fire Room
  • Igloo Room
  • Waterslide
  • Disco Room
  • Ballroom
  • Ball Room
  • Attic





Official Art and Story Boards
