Uncle Grandpa Wiki
Weird Man
Weird Man in Weird Man 049
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Weird Man is a short that occurs after Uncle Caveman.

Character Appearances[]

Major Characters[]

Minor Characters[]


The short begins with Mr. Gus and Pizza Steve in the living room when Uncle Grandpa arrives and mentions that the new Weird Man comic came out, he asks them if they want to read it with him but they decide to leave so Uncle Grandpa decides it's just going to be him and Belly Bag.

Uncle Grandpa and Belly Bag sit down to read the comic and proceed to get weird, the story begins with Weird Man enjoying a typical sunny Sunday, he decides to play basketball on a golf course using his feet, when he finishes playing he receives a call so he takes his phone from under a golfer's hat, Weird Man answers and discovers that it is Mr. President, he tells him that a giant asteroid is heading towards Earth and will kill millions of people, Weird Man thinks for a second and like the weird superhero that he is, he comes up with a weird plan to save the day, he tells Mr. President that he will need space rockets and super glue and that there is no time to explain his plan.

The government gives him what he needs and Weird Man uses the super glue to glue his legs to the rockets and he is ready, ground control prepares the takeoff while Mr. President asks Weird Man to save them, the rockets take off and Weird Man travels to space, the rockets fly in opposite directions stretching his legs as the asteroid approaches, Weird Man begins to talk to the asteroid saying weird things as it approaches and the government becomes worried since the asteroid is about to make the impact, then Weird Man raises his fist and when it hits it, the asteroid is destroyed into millions of pieces that are launched into space, saving the Earth, the government is happy and celebrates that Weird Man did it.

Weird Man returns to Earth and Mr. President thanks Weird Man on behalf of the United States and tells him that they will never forget his heroic act but asks him why he stretched his legs with the space rockets, Weird Man tells him to come closer and reveals that he did it because otherwise it wouldn't have been weird, Mr. President totally sees the point and says it's true, Weird Man salutes the United States and calls it the land of the free and the home of the weird, he says goodbye and leaves using a wheelbarrow to carry his stretched legs and the story ends.

Belly Bag jokes that Weird Man always has one leg over danger and discovers that Uncle Grandpa fell asleep and dreams about Weird Man.


v - e - d Shorts

Recurring Shorts
Slice of Life with Pizza SteveTiger TalkNew Experiences with Beary Nice and Hot Dog PersonXarna: She-Warrior of the ApocalypseEvil WizardMoments in History with Mr. Gus
One-Time Shorts
Fishing with Uncle GrandpaUncle Grandpa Changes a Light BulbMr. Gus's Break DanceTiny Miracle the Robot BoyUncle Grandpa Sings the ClassicsThe Legend of the Beardman: The Nighttime TicklerMr. Gus's Work OutUG Rap AttackBoard Game NightE-Mail the DuckUncle Grandpa Cooks a BurritoShave TimeGhost MathBubble TroubleScary Cyborg GuyUncle Grandpa BabiesGrandpa CizeRV CheckupWorkout Time for Mr. GusLunch BreakSquirrel SweatersSmile JuiceGrandpa at ArmsHow to Draw with Uncle GrandpaWho Wants the Last PickleWeird ManChicken CrossingVideo Date-Maker Plus!Fix That RVStinky ElevatorDirtbagUncle Grandpa and the Can of Beans StalkPizza Steve's Killer AbsScience Time with Uncle GrandpaKung-Fu TurtlesCutting the WireCloud GazingFrisky MustacheDucktor ExamOut of FuelRace for ShoesTag SaleMr. Gus LiveBeastoid BrosOatmeal DayFootballWaiting for CoffeeThe GrampiesThe Story of CrispinFrankenstein JuiceUncle Grandpa's Free Dancing LessonSandwich MailUncle Grandpa Takes Care with Crazy BabyBeach PatrolUncle Grandpa's Puppet ShowUncle Grandpa Sings the Classics Vol. 82Pizza Steve for PresidentRock and Roll Check UpThe Heavy BreatherThe Uncle Grandpa WashMovie Time with Uncle GrandpaFarty SocksPizza Steve's Cheese RapBurrito Gets to the Hospital with Uncle Grandpa and FriendsTeenage Fart ThrobHouse of MirrorsFunny Looking SleepA Lots of Style CheckUle Gapa's MuseumYoga with Uncle GrandpaPrivate Eye Uncle GrandpaBirds, Can't Live with Them, Can't Live Without ThemStrandedSuper CloudSun of a Dra-GunIs This Funny?D & J's Plumbing ServiceInside the Director's Mind with Uncle GrandpaSit on itPizza Hansel and Uncle GretelSticky Caramel AppleWhere's Uncle Grandpa?Toast-Mania ChaosGuess the CharacterProfessor Potbelly's Super Science Boot CampPicture ImperfectStaring Contest
Uncle Grandpa's Incredible JourneyWill It Stick?Bounce HouseCuriosities of NatureUncle Grandpa 101Here Piggy PiggyThe Case of the Missing BikeThe Origin of FrankensteinNo Farm No Foul!The Weird ZoneUnboxingBehind the ScenesSpelling BeeCoolest Lunchbox
